Thursday, July 28, 2016

Highschool Never Ends

 I did not particularly enjoy high school.

I found it was an endless cycle of hate. I hated people, people hated me, I hated particular classes, I hated particular teachers, I hated wearing uniform, I hated trends and I hated cliques. (just quickly, that much hate is not healthy)

Highschool ended a few years ago now here I am in my adult life and walking around in my adult life I sometimes bump into people from my teenage life. 

How is it normal to have known someone for near on nine years and then completely ignore them on the street? Serve them at your workplace and not say hello or even go to the same social event and shrug them off.... I know small talk is shit, I completely get that BUT pretending someone doesn't exist is a little more than just rude. 

The critically acclaimed poet from the 17th century "Bowling for soup" stated that: 
"Four years you think for sure

That's all you've got to endure
All the total dicks
All the stuck up chicks
So superficial, so immature
Then when you graduate
You take a look around and you say HEY WAIT
This is the same as where I just came from
I thought it was over
Aw that's just great" 

When you think about it adult life is just an extension of high school. There will always be gossip and there will always be cliques, people you disagree with and "teachers" who will never treat you with a profound respect. The difference between highschool and adult life, or so I've found in myself is I've learnt how to deal with the negativity better, I've learnt where and whom I should invest my time and energy and instead of having to learn from the "teachers", I now choose what information to retain from the "preachers". That's probably my favourite thing I've learnt in adulthood. You don't have to take anyone's advice. You choose what you want to give and what you want to take. 

Next time you see someone from highschool, regardless of if you where best buddies or not, why not smile and say a quick hello. I promise it won't hurt. 

Stay fabulous. 

Rachel 💋

Friday, July 22, 2016

My biggest flaw; according to men

IntenseAdjective; having or showing strong feelings or opinions; extremely earnest or serious. 

I've been told on many different occasions by a variety of people (mostly males) that I'm too "intense", that my biggest flaw is "intensity" and that I'm too passionate. I only have one thing to say to these people and that's "Bibbity Bobbity BACK THE FUCK UP" (please excuse my language).

How is it my fault that you are unable to handle my enthusiasm and vibrant personality? Maybe YOUR biggest flaw is lacking the ability to dance in rythm with my vibrancy. 

I haven't, will not and can not suppress my passion and big heart because you are unable to understand it. These people do not even deserve the affection and attention of we who suffer the same (apparently tragically life threatening) trait of caring. 

This is a reach out to all the girls and boys out there that have been told too simmer down. DONT. If anything be more enthusiastic! Love more, see more, feel more and cull more! Cull the people out of your life that cringe at your intensity. One day someone will come along and love you for the very same reason these others turn away from you. 

Please don't dull your shine because others do not like light. 

Stay fabulous

Rachel 💋

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

I Wish Heaven Had Visiting Hours

One of my girlfriends came around for afternoon tea today and I made scones. I've been making scones for work also and each time I make them I get a huge ping of happiness and sadness whilst I mix the ingredients together. I get a strong, overbearing wave of nostalgia, In my head I'm a tiny four year old Rachel standing on a stool at the bench next to grandpa peeping up onto the counter whilst he made us scones, I remember how he would use a glass to cut the dough into perfect circles and place them on the tray ready to get all delicious and fluffy. 

My grandpa passed away around 10 years ago now. It was a horrible pain I can not and will not forget. Grandpa was one of the kindest men ive ever had the pleasure of meeting. I learnt so much from him. I can remember him waking up every morning before nan had woken up and bringing her in a nice hot cup of tea and a couple of cookies on a side plate. They would then lay there and read verses from the bible together. I started drinking tea because of this morning habit, he would make me one too if I was there and awake. I drink tea every day now and every time I take my first sip I smile inside because I think of the man who introduced me too it.

It's sad to think ill never see one of my favourite people in the world again. I'll never get to help him make scones, feed the chooks, collect the eggs or watch the news with him. It's even sadder to think that we all will just end one day, turn off, like a switch. A broken appliance never to turn on again.

I have always had a fear of death

I hope I will be around long enough to make a lasting impact in another's life like grandpa did in mine, I also pray I meet a man as loyal and loving as him. A man that will bring me tea in the morning and make me scones. That's all I ask for. 

Stay fabulous 💋 

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Signing My Life Away

So. After what feels like 20 years (it's been 1.5) I have finally come to a decision on what to pursue as a career path *queue fire works*. 

My passion as many of you already may know is food. I LOVE it. I love eating it, cooking it, reading about it and thinking about it. This strong pull towards food has lead me to apply for a career in the culinary arts. So as of today. The 7th of the 7th 2016 I Rachel Maree am an apprentice chef; and I could not be more thrilled!!!!!! I have now worked front of house in hospitality for six years and have always been more interested in what is happening in the kitchen as appose to front of house. This has made me experiment more with my cooking at home and order the more interesting items on menus when I eat out. Now it's my turn to learn, discover, experiment and thrive. Who knows, I could be the next Heston..... (I think the skinny pigeon could be strong competition)

This little step forward has also elevated my mood so much I haven't even got angry at today's silly moments, which include but not limited too: 

* forgetting to put my handbrake on and my car ending up on a tree, luckily with no scratches or dents *phew* 

* trying to get my new table upstairs alone and falling 


* withdrawing $100 from an atm but forgetting to actually take the money...... With that being said I hope the soulless creature in Belmont who took it buys themselves some morals with it. 

Anyway that's enough from me. I'm off to yoga to find my zen so I don't find and murder the said money stealer with my new chef knives.

Until next time, 

Stay fabulous 💋 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

My Sweet Addiction.

I'm sorry I haven't made an entry in a while, it's just... Well....

I've been simply too busy eating my weight in sweets. 

They say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. So here goes; I Rachel Maree Elliott have a dessert addiction. 

Ive tried to suppress it but it's just, i think about dessert 90% of the day and if it's put in front of me I devour the sugary substance in five seconds flat. I've thought about cutting out other meals all together and just eating sweets (I swiftly decided against that).   

My favourite desserts include lemon meringue, pavlova and golden syrup dumplings. However whilst travelling America I came across an unusual dessert which really tingled my tastebuds; deep fried ice cream. I ordered it with my friend Madison waringly but it was AMAZEBALLS. It was in a light tempura batter and the vanilla cheesecake inside was warm and full of flavour. So that has been thrown in as a temporary wild card in my list until I one day stop thinking about it and drooling.

I realised I had a problem when after work one day I bought two cakes to take home. A caramel slice and a lemon meringue (as mentioned about in my favourites list *licks lips*). I was going to eat one for afternoon tea and one the next day......

I accidently ate both. I also felt not an ounce of guilt. 

I admit I have a problem but I am not ashamed. I'll continue to eat my desserts but I will also continue too exercise and try my best to balance my meals because this haircut won't work on a size 24. 

Stay fabulous 
Rachel 💋